
The Bare Bones of Narcissism (Terminology & Abbreviations)
Let’s get down to the bare bones of understanding Narcissism, the terminology used and the abbreviations we often see used in articles, blog posts and on social media. First off, if you are reading this, you probably already know what a Narcissist is. Do you know why is it called narcissism? The term originated from

Gray Rock Method – Dealing with a Narcissist or Sociopath
When dealing with a narcissist or sociopath one way to deal with them is to act like a “gray rock” meaning that you become uninteresting and unresponsive. When using the Gray Rock method, your objective is to make someone lose interest in you. You don’t feed their needs for drama or attention. You become emotionally

Going No Contact with a Narcissist will be the Longest & Toughest Road You Will Ever Travel
You may find this especially hard while the world is going through the COVID-19 health crisis, or any crisis. The Narcissist won’t change their behavior because of what’s going on in the world. As a matter of fact, their behaviors could be worse. What is going on affects everyone, not just the Narcissist, however they

Are You Being Gaslighted?
Underhanded and Stealthy, Gaslighters effectively use manipulation to gain control and power Gaslighters display certain operative traits that can help identify whether you are being subjected to such behavior. The following list is not all inclusive, but a start, as the more you are aware of their methods, the faster you will be able to

Effects Of Chronic Narcissistic Abuse On Your Physical Health
Have you ever wondered if the stress you’ve endured either growing up under a Narcissist or being in a long term relationship with a Narcissist can make you physically ill? I grew up with Narcissistic parents, had a blood disorder in my teens, and in my young 20’s was diagnosed with a systemic autoimmune disease.

Quick Guide to Stop the Hurting from Narcissistic Abuse
The book “Children of the Self-Absorbed” (a grown up’s guide to getting over Narcissistic Parents**) by Nina W. Brown, Ed.D., LPC, has a wonderful chapter on How to Stop Hurting. Use these as a beginning, six of the eight key points she discusses are referenced below: (**also applies to spouse, ex-spouse, significant other, etc.) Give

Narcissistic Abuse & “Shame”
How many of you feel shame? Do you question yourself and wonder if I should have known better? You tell yourself I’m supposed to be smart, why didn’t I recognize what was going on sooner. Why didn’t I leave or go no contact sooner? Abuse by a Narcissist causes you to doubt yourself and question

‘Tis The Season – Narcissists And Gifts – Some Things To Keep In Mind
Actually, good guidance year round…
Narcissists turn on their personality, charm and are very adept at keeping the focus on their veneer of perfection. Spending time around a narcissist can be draining, leaving you fatigued, disillusioned, perhaps, a bit withered. A narcissist can also use gift giving and/or receiving as a means to control the narrative about themselves and, also,

No Contact with a Narcissistic Family Member and Grief
We haven’t found grief discussed much in social media, blog posts or other sources. Sometimes the best choice is to go NO contact, and, your lead to believe everything will be rainbows and unicorns. Maybe for some people that happens, but there is a grieving process we go through. When you go no contact with